Body / Window for VOLVO S60 II (134)

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Most sold Body / Windows parts for cars VOLVO S60 II (134) according to statistics for November 2024 on PartsBit

In the first place are VOLVO S60 II (134) 1984 ccm (D 5204 T2, D 5204 T3)120 kW/163 PS cars, 1 pcs were sold for it. The rest of the seats were shared by 1498 ccm (B 4154 T5)90 kW/122 PS, 1969 ccm (D 4204 T14)140 kW/190 PS, 1969 ccm (B 4204 T43)270 kW/367 PS and 2953 ccm (B 6304 T5)258 kW/351 PS.

Prices for used spare parts in the category Body / Windows for car VOLVO S60 II (134)

Used Body / Windows for VOLVO S60 II (134) cars are currently available from 24 €. The average price is around 5 € and the maximum price is 499 €.

All VOLVO S60 II (134) spare parts in Body / Windows as an overview

Number of used spare parts:104 pcs
Most expensive used spare parts:499 €
Cheapest used spare parts:24 €
Average price for used spare parts:5 €