Damping for FIAT FIORINO Pick up (146_)

Sales Charts

Most sold Suspension parts for cars FIAT FIORINO Pick up (146_) according to statistics for November 2024 on PartsBit

In the first place are FIAT FIORINO Pick up (146_) 1698 ccm (149 B3.000)44 kW/60 PS cars, 1 pcs were sold for it. The rest of the seats were shared by 1372 ccm (146 D5.000)49 kW/67 PS, 1698 ccm (146 D7.000)46 kW/63 PS, 1697 ccm (146 B2.000)42 kW/57 PS and 1581 ccm (146 C6.000, 146 D6.000)55 kW/75 PS.

All FIAT FIORINO Pick up (146_) spare parts in Suspension as an overview

Number of new spare parts:2 pcs