Interior equipment for RENAULT ZOE (BFM_)

Sales Charts

Most sold Interior equipments parts for cars RENAULT ZOE (BFM_) according to statistics for November 2024 on PartsBit

In the first place are RENAULT ZOE (BFM_) (5AM 450, 5AQ 601)65 kW/88 PS cars, 6 pcs were sold for it. The rest of the seats were shared by (5AQ 601)68 kW/92 PS, (5AQ 605)100 kW/136 PS, (5AQ 607, 5AQ 605)80 kW/109 PS and 43 kW/58 PS.

Prices for used spare parts in the category Interior equipments for car RENAULT ZOE (BFM_)

Used Interior equipments for RENAULT ZOE (BFM_) cars are currently available from 12 €. The average price is around 1 € and the maximum price is 819 €.

All RENAULT ZOE (BFM_) spare parts in Interior equipments as an overview

Number of used spare parts:615 pcs
Most expensive used spare parts:819 €
Cheapest used spare parts:12 €
Average price for used spare parts:1 €