Steering Column Switch for FORD FOCUS II Saloon (DB_, FCH, DH)

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Most sold Steering Column Switches for cars FORD FOCUS II Saloon (DB_, FCH, DH) according to statistics for November 2024 on PartsBit

In the first place are FORD FOCUS II Saloon (DB_, FCH, DH) 1560 ccm (HHDA, HHDB, GPDA, GPDC, GPDB)66 kW/90 PS cars, 1 pcs were sold for it. The rest of the seats were shared by 1596 ccm (HXDA, HXDB, SIDA)85 kW/115 PS, 1798 ccm (QQDB, QQDA, Q7DA)92 kW/125 PS, 1560 ccm (G8DA, G8DB, G8DD, G8DE, G8DF)80 kW/109 PS and 1596 ccm (HWDA, HWDB, SHDA, SHDB, SHDC)74 kW/100 PS.

Prices for Used FORD FOCUS II Saloon (DB_, FCH, DH) Steering Column Switches

Used Steering Column Switches for FORD FOCUS II Saloon (DB_, FCH, DH) cars are currently available from 20 €. The average price is around 3 € and the maximum price is 90 €.

All FORD FOCUS II Saloon (DB_, FCH, DH) spare parts in Steering Column Switches as an overview

Number of used spare parts:44 pcs
Most expensive used spare parts:90 €
Cheapest used spare parts:20 €
Average price for used spare parts:3 €