Body / Window for PEUGEOT 208 I (CA_, CC_)

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Sales Charts

Most sold Body / Windows parts for cars PEUGEOT 208 I (CA_, CC_) according to statistics for November 2024 on PartsBit

In the first place are PEUGEOT 208 I (CA_, CC_) 1199 ccm (HMZ (EB2F), HMZ (EB2))60 kW/82 PS cars, 14 pcs were sold for it. The rest of the seats were shared by 1398 ccm (8HR (DV4C), 8HP (DV4C))50 kW/68 PS, 1598 ccm (5FU (EP6CDTX))147 kW/200 PS, 1560 ccm (BHZ (DV6FC))88 kW/120 PS and 1560 ccm (9HD (DV6C))84 kW/114 PS.

Prices for used spare parts in the category Body / Windows for car PEUGEOT 208 I (CA_, CC_)

Used Body / Windows for PEUGEOT 208 I (CA_, CC_) cars are currently available from 6 €. The average price is around 0 € and the maximum price is 623 €.

Buy spare parts for PEUGEOT 208 I (CA_, CC_) in the Body / Windows

All PEUGEOT 208 I (CA_, CC_) spare parts in Body / Windows as an overview

Number of used spare parts:1915 pcs
Most expensive used spare parts:623 €
Cheapest used spare parts:6 €
Average price for used spare parts:0 €